The Universidad Abierta de Recoleta defines itself as the first pluriversity in Chile, thus setting an epistemological path that places it among worldwide efforts that seek to expand on the concept of the conventional university.

The Universidad Abierta de Recoleta is a communal government educational initiative that looks to democratize education, allowing everybody access to a wide range of knowledge and disciplines through quality academic activities, research and outreach, opento those who want to learn, and those that want to share their expertise. and transformative driven citizens.
The Universidad Abierta de Recoleta is part of a larger political, social and cultural project geared towards facing neoliberalism as a hegemonic development model head on. It aims to contribute to the building of politically democratic, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable communities. To do this, the UAR aspires to becoming an instrument to form active, critical, organized and mobilized citizens, as well as a beacon of the generation and exchange of knowledge at the service of local development and municipal management.
Strategic objectives 2020-2024:
The University is aware of the great expectations it has generated, and the challenges and responsibilities that comes with it. This is why in 2019, the UAR undertook a participative institutional planification strategy that would define its goals and strategies for the following five years. The end result is the UAR’s Strategic Institutional Project. This document defines the beginning of a new chapter: to work towards its consolidation, to strive to place the University as a relevant actor in the higher education arena in Chile, and place it within the social transformation processes that the Chilean population demands. This stage of the UAR is geared towards the following:
I. Design and organize innovative forms of collaboration and the exchange of knowledge with other academic communities, with a view to generate academic activities open to everybody. Boost the communal participation of Recoleta, and the general population, in these activities.
II. Consolidate and diversify a quality filled formative offering, according to a university education model based on popular and critical pedagogic principles. Diversify the student body, with an aim at capturing strategic profiles of local and social groups most commonly excluded from higher education.
III. Strengthen and maintain a volunteer based academic body, welcoming people with the expertise and experience in their respective fields. Stimulate diverse forms of association and collaboration among academics. Provide the academic body with pedagogical, technological and managerial tools that allow them to optimize and innovate in education, research and outreach.
IV. Generate and communicate new ideas, know-how and cultural events that contribute to a critical analysis of neoliberalism and its social and environmental consequences. Contribute to the building of a new development model, based on collaboration, democracy and human rights.
V. Contribute to the development of Recoleta’s community and the strengthening of local governments. Designing, systematizing and evaluating public policy on a local level. Generate knowledge and local practices that dispute the private appropriation of basic public goods and services. Train municipal officials, social leaders and other local actors.
VI. Motivate, support and orient the emergence and consolidation of communal, open, popular and local universities in Chile and Latin America. Foster and drive the transference, coordination, and collaborative processes of these types of organizations.